
Dynamics of the racing iceboat

design . analysis . optimization . tuning . race strategy . rules . ice . clubs . venues

  • site focuses on the technical and design issues of the racing iceboat
  • description and tag lines above say it all!
  • over the years I've written various computer programs that simulate steady state iceboat racing performance through computer analysis
    • this blog is a mechanism for publishing the basics of the computer programs
    • the algorithms are now being modified include many dynamic operations
    • hopefully interested parties can adapt the information for their own use

Caveat Number 1:
  • the premier iceboating website is:  Iceboat.org  
  • Deb Whitehorse is the webmaster for the Four Lakes Ice Yacht Club located in Madison, WI
  • hands down, there is no more popular, nor continuously updated, nor more informative iceboating site anywhere
  • she is dedicated to her craft, and travels the whole world to tell the fascinating tale of iceboating
  • go there, right now, to explore current happenings and all aspects of these fast machines
  • IceboatDynamics has a very narrow technical focus and will never compete with the "big daddy" of iceboat sites!

Caveat Number 2:
  • the ideas or thought processes here only come from within, and are not a product of the author's meager racing results
  • talking the talk - walking the talk
    • I've always been a person to talk the talk, but am not good at walking the talk -- I'm just too lazy and talk is cheap anyways
    • others such as Ron Sherry do it all:  teaching, preparation, and racing results!

Caveat Number 3:
  • the author has only raced Renegades
  • discussion on this site is developed from the perspective of a Renegade skipper, however the mathematical model works for any of the other classes
  • thoughts and ideas here should not be construed as a Renegade way of things
  • for example; anyone comparing the wing aspects of a DN vs. a Renegade quickly realizes that the DN is far more dynamic
  • the model must truly reflect such differences

Caveat Number 4:
  • the stern steer has initially been left out of most modeling and discussion on the site
  • the dynamics and torques are different than a front steer design and the model needs to modified accordingly
  • as the site becomes more mature, I'll address the stern steer boat, and give it its due

Posting style:

  • writing style is non punctuated and non capitalized outlining; which allows easy re-visioning as the content evolves
  • many images are utilized in each post to emphasize the topic
  • often the images are too broad, or too narrow, however in total they make the site more visually appealing in an muddy complex of technical jargon

Thought Experiments:
  • a thought experiment involves thinking about a hypothetical situation which has a tangential relationship to iceboating
  • by thinking about the situation you gain valuable insight into a technical matter
  • the link below goes through a typical thought experiment which examines the effect of runner length on lateral resistance
  • thought experiment on lateral resistance vs. runner length

Work in progress:
  • this site is very definitely a work in progress
  • it will evolve in a progressive manner as time permits
  • many posts are only partial completed and in outline form
  • this method of posting allows the details to be filled in later
  • time span for adding a reasonable amount of content is at least a year

Computer model vs. 2d or 3d computer design:
  • the computer model presented in this site predicts iceboat performance given initial conditions and static or dynamic operations
  • it is not a computer design program which tells how to construct a physical component: such as runners, or fuselage
  • computer design programs would be
    • Solid Works
    • Solid Edge
    • AutoCad and AutoCad Inventor

  • surely there are areas or thoughts here that are completely wrong
  • I will man up to to stuff that does not pass muster
  • please let me know via the email address below, I'll correct accordingly

Smart phones and mobile devices:
  • the template for the web site is designed around a full size computer screen
  • it should work the smaller screens of mobile devices, but the scrolling may be intolerable

  • Blogspot is operated by Google and has a simple, yet effective HTML structure
  • address includes ".blogspot." in the URL
  • various restrictions prevent infections
  • reliably hosted by Google
  • Green Lake Ice Yacht Club uses BlogSpot as their host
  • Google "IceboatDynamics", or just "iceboat" and "dynamics" to find site 

  • email: archcall  (at) gmail (dot) com
  • email to the above address with errata, or other things you would like discussed 
  • Thanks and best regards...Archie Call