Tuesday, August 12, 2014

runner length thought experiment

Thought Experiments:
  • a thought experiment involves thinking about a hypothetical situation which has a tangential relationship to iceboating
  • by thinking about the situation you gain valuable insight into a technical matter
  • for example:  we are trying to analyze why sharp longer runners have better lateral resistance than sharp shorter runners
    • constants for both long and short runners
      • hard black ice at 30 deg F
      • 90 degree face angle
      • runners are stoned to very smooth straight edge with a 600 grit
      • 500 pounds of weight on special sled (runners plus sled)
      • two runners on the sled mounted in friction less pillow blocks
      • runners are separated by 20 inches on the sled
      • a wizard is pulling the slid forward at 50 MPH
    • think about Runner A:
      • traits
        • runner that is 40" long
        • very little crown
        • 90 deg facet
        • stoned to a very sharp tip
        • smooth hard black ice with temp of 30 deg F
        • weight on the runners = 550 pounds
      • the runner digs a groove into the hard black ice
        • the depth of this groove is a function of the runner length and the hardness of the ice
      • friction force of runner acting in opposite direction to boat travel is about (.01 * weight) on the runners, or 5.5 pounds
        • the .01 is called coef. friction of steel on ice
      • friction force at right angles to the runners is about (.75 * weight), or about 412 pounds of lateral resistance
        • this force is much higher than forward resistance because the tip of the runner is tearing up the ice along the whole runner edge as it is pulled sideways
        • in this tearing up process the tip is slicing into the bonds of the ice crystals and separating the chemical bonds
        • most of the tearing up process is going on at the extreme tip of the runner
        • once a little bit of ice is torn up at the extreme tip it is easily pushed up the face of the groove in the ice
        • the 412 pounds of side bite amounts to 10.3 pounds per inch of runner length (i.e. 412/40 = 10.3)
    • now think about Runner B:
      • traits
        • everything is the same as Runner A:, except the length is only 20" long
      • the coef. of lateral resistance is going to be similar to the longer runner
        • the runner tip is digging in twice as deep because there is twice as much weight per inch on the runner tip
        • each inch of the shorter runner must dig up twice as much ice as each inch of the longer runner
        • if we assume the side bite of the shorter runner is 412 pounds then the side bite per inch of runner length = 412/20 = 20.6 pounds
        • as it gouges out a portion of the ice the whole ice structure higher up is weakened