- General Aerodynamics
- Aerodynamics for students - Excellent reference
- Aerospace engineering
- CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)
- Turbulence lecture
- Lowery lecture
- Venturi effect: Wikipedia
- Computer programs
- Iceboats
- Tuning Guide - Ron Sherry - Composite Concepts
- You Tube Video - Ron Sherry talks DN iceboating
- Putting numbers on Iceboat Performance - Bob Dill
- Performance characteristics of Iceboats by Peter McCrary: Sailing Scuttlebutt in 1974
- Ken Smith - Collective wisdom of DN iceboat.
- Land yacht (dirt boat)
- Wind tunnel test of land yacht - T. Speer
- Aerodynamics: Tear shaped mast and soft sail - T. Speer
- Sailing yacht design for maximum speed - Bob Dill
- Land yacht speed - rigid wing vs. cloth sail
- Land sailer tire performance
- Sailing
- The physics of sailing - John Kimball
- High performance sailing - Frank Bethwaite
- WB-Sails: Effect of side bend on the mast
- Float your boat - Mark Denny
- Theory of sailing - Hoffman & Johnson
- Wing masts & hydro foils - T. Speer
- The secret of sailing - Claes Johnson
- Americas Cup Mathematics - 2007 Summary only
- Mathematical model of Americas Cup - 2003 Detailed
- Numerical simulation of sailing boats
- Americas Cup - AC62 design specs
- International Moth Foiling
- Sailboat models
- Sailboat tacking analysis
- Sailing yacht performance
- Airplanes
- Drag force and its coefficient - Sadareay
- Wing design - Sadareay
- Airplane Performance -Lutze
- Fundamentals of flight performance
- Mathematical secret of flight
- Gliders
- Principles of glider flight: lift drag performance
- The glider - Stelio Frati
- Modelling Cirrus glider using Navier-Stokes CFD
- Diana-2 sailplane performance
- Sailplane aerodynamics - Delft Univ.
- FAA glider handbook
- Design of winglets for low speed aircraft
- Paper airplane aerodynamics
- Birds
- NACA airfoils
- Ice
- Windmills
- Downwind faster than the wind
- Downwind faster than the wind - Video
- Directly upwind and downwind faster than wind - Video
- General numerical analysis
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forces_on_sails
Tech Reference Web Sites
Photo Albums
- Four Lakes: Iceboat.org
- Green Lake:Green Lake Ice Yacht Club
- Minnesota: Minnesota Ice Sailing Association
- Oskosh
- Maine
- Conn
- Gull Lake
- Toledo
- Northern Michigan
- DN: dnamerica.org
- Renegade
- Side by Side
- Skeeter
- Stern Steer
Poem: Iceboat Fever - Archie Call