Racing iceboat design
The following variables are only for a basic analysis. Some areas that need more comprehensive variables are: battens, snow cover, shell ice, hoar frost.
- wing
- measured
- WingHeight (ft) [distance perpendical to ice: boom bottom to sail head]
- WingArea (ft*ft) [area: sail + boom + mast{along sail luff}]
- BoomElevation (ft) [height above ice to bottom of boom]
- SailFoot (ft) [length of sail foot]
- MastDepthG (ft) [depth of mast at gooseneck]
- estimated
- CoefLiftMax [coefficient of lift - maximum]
- WingAttackAngleMax (deg) [angle of attack at ClLiftMax]
- LiftDragRatio [ratio of lift to drag at 80% WingAttackAngle]
- calculated
- WingFoot (ft) [SailFoot + MastDepthG]
- AspectRatio [WingHeight**2 / WingArea]
- EllipticalFactor [sqrt(WingHeight/(AspectRatio*WingFoot))]
- InducedDragFactor [(1./(PI * AspectRatio * EllipticalFactor)]
- WingCenterEffort (ft) [height above boom bottom to COE]
- LiftingArm (ft) [WingCenterEffort + BoomElevation]
- stability
- measured
- FuselageArm (ft) = distance from steering kingpin to plank middle
- measurement is parallel to boat direction
- RunnerCut (ft) = distance between rear runners in chocks
- measurement is perpendicular to boat direction
- Weight (lbs) = all up weight of boat and skipper
- RunnerFaceAngle (deg) [angle between runner faces]
- calculated
- RunnerArm (ft) = .5 * RunnerCut
- RightingArm (ft) = RunnerArm * sin(arctan(FuselageArm/RunnerArm))
- MaxLiftH (lbs) [Weight * (RightingArm/LiftingArm)]
- max lift before boat begins to hike
- MaxLiftS (lbs) [Weight * (RightingArm/LiftingArm)]
- max lift before runners side slip out of runner groove
- wind
- forces