- Tuning Guide - Ron Sherry - Composite Concepts
- You Tube Video - Ron Sherry talks DN iceboating
- The physics of sailing - John Kimball
- High performance sailing - Frank Bethwaite
- Float your boat - Mark Denny
- Downwind faster than the wind
- Downwind faster than the wind - Video
- Directly upwind and downwind faster than wind - Video
- Putting numbers on Iceboat Performance - Bob Dill
- Performance characteristics of Iceboats by Peter McCrary: Sailing Scuttlebutt in 1974
- Ken Smith - Collective wisdom of DN iceboat.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forces_on_sails
- WB-Sails: Effect of side bend on the mast
Tech Web Sites
Photo Albums
- Four Lakes: Iceboat.org
- Green Lake:Green Lake Ice Yacht Club
- Minnesota: Minnesota Ice Sailing Association
- Oskosh
- Maine
- Conn
- Gull Lake
- Toledo
- Northern Michigan
- DN: dnamerica.org
- Renegade
- Side by Side
- Skeeter
- Stern Steer
Poem: Iceboat Fever - Archie Call